Welcome to the People of the Woods, a Wiccan coven

Logo copyright © FCCOR
Incorporated as
First Congregational Church of the Old Religion

Ongoing Events
Discussion Group  
Our ongoing As Scheduled Discussion Group
Unless otherwise scheduled. We discuss topics such as history, theology, cosmology, morality, mythology, and the wheel of the year. 6 PM Members and invited guests welcome.
Upcoming Events

Friday, January 25
Full Moon
  The People celebrate the Snow Moon and honor the Lord and Lady. 6 PM (coven members only)


Saturday February 3
  The People celebrate the beginning of Spring when the snow departs, the Sun returns, and Mother Earth begins to grow warm. (coven and approved family or guests)


Friday, February 9
New Moon
  The People celebrate the New Moon and honor the Lord and Lady. 6 PM (coven members only)


Friday, February 23
Full Moon
  The People celebrate the Death Moon and honor the Lord and Lady. 6 PM (coven members only)


Friday, March 8
New Moon
  The People celebrate the New Moon and honor the Lord and Lady. 6 PM (coven members only)


Friday, March 22
Full Moon
  The People celebrate the Seed Moon and honor the Lord and Lady. 6 PM (coven members only)


Saturday March 23
  The People celebrate the middle of Spring when the day and night are equal length, and Mother Earth wakes up. . (coven and approved family or guests)


The People of the Woods Church of the Old Religionis a congregation and coven of the Old Religion, sometimes called Wicca or Witchcraft, one of the spiritual paths of pre-christian Native Europeans. We serve followers of Wicca who reside in the area of Spokane, Washington, USA.

The People of the Woods were originally located in Albuquerque, NM, USA. We were incorporated as a church in New Mexico in 1996. In 2004, we relocated to Cheney, WA. Our corporate name in Washington state is The First Congregational Church of the Old Religion. The First Congregational Church of the Old Religion is a State of Washington Nonprofit Corporation. UBI number 604 123 596. The First Congregational Church of the Old Religion is also registered with the IRS. EIN registration number 82-0900565. We are a recognition tax exempt church under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. All donations to the People of the Woods are exempt from IRS taxation.

In 2017 some members formed an affiliated coven called The People of the River that meets in Post Falls, Idaho. See their Facebook Page. People of the River focuses more on Egyptian Gods. The People of the River Church of the Old Religion is a State of Washington Nonprofit Corporation, UBI number 603 072 928. The People of the River Church of the Old Religion is also recognized by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code as a nonprofit religious church. EIN registration number 81-4604846.

In January 2018 some other members formed an affiliated coven called Children of the Crossroads that meets in North Spokane . See their Facebook Page.

The People of the Woods has a normal number of coven members who participate in our religion.

Support The People of the Woods Church
Tax deductable donations by PayPal or Credit Cards.
The essence which binds all things together
This picture is borrowed from Internet. If it is your photo and you object to our use please let us know.

Clergy from the The People of the Woods Church of the Old Religion now conduct religious rites, and teach the Old Religion near Spokane and Cheney, WA. We also occasionally lead rituals and teach at Pagan gatherings across the US.

The People of the Woods Church of the Old Religion holds Full Moon and Sabbat observances near Cheney, Washington, USA. Wiccans of compatible beliefs are sometimes invited to attend our religious observances of Moons and Sabbats. The People of the Woods is also now on Facebook

The Church sponsors a Wiccan coven called "The People of the Woods." The Church provides training, initiation and ordination into the Wiccan clergy in the traditional Wiccan manner. We currently have several apprentices, and we are not accepting any applicants. We do not recruit new members. Read our About the Church page for more information on the coven. Our Wiccan tradition is an initiatory mystery religion. We are a smoke free congregation.

Ordained clergy of The People of the Woods Church of the Old Religion are available to those of similar religious calling for pastoral counseling, marriages (handfastings), baby blessings, and other rites of passage.

Old Magic
Ancient Wisdom
These pictures are borrowed from Internet. If one is your photo and you object to our use please let us know.

Our brochure about Wicca and The People of the Woods.
Our suggested reading list
People of the Woods MeWe Page

The People of the Woods is migrating to MeWe instead of Facebook. MeWe is similar to Facebook in many ways but does not have the same level of censorship and controversial agendas. MeWe does not even have a "Jail" such as Facebook uses to stifle free speech, intimidate members, and limit the expression of opinions that are not PC. Our news and information will be posted to the freedom of speech site MeWe rather than to Facebook. Find us on MeWe.

People of the River Facebook Page
Children of the Crossroads Facebook Page
Meeting the Witches
Links to other pagan web sites
Site map of our web pages
Contact The People of the Woods Church in Cheney, WA    
Gather you Witches in the night

Gather you Witches in the night while the moon rides full. Gather you Witches in the darkness when the moon is hidden. Gather to follow the old ways, to drum, to sing, and to dance the ageless dance of life. Gather in a circle, man to woman, woman to man, in the circle of life as the Gods have taught you.

Gather you Witches in a circle. Gather you wise ones, you teachers, you keepers of the magick, you Priests and Priestesses of all that is sacred and old beyond knowing. Listen to the wind. Listen to the water. Listen to the fire. Listen to the earth. Hear the heartbeat of the drums and the drumbeat of the heart. Feel the power of magick as it flows hand to hand around the circle.

Gather you Witches in a circle. Call upon the Goddess and welcome her magick as She dances with you. Call upon the God and fear not his power for within the circle He leads your dance. Gather in the circle to celebrated the seasons of the Earth and the sacredness of all life, work the ancient magicks, thank the Gods for the food you eat, and encourage fertility so that our race will not perish. Call forth the young ones, welcome them to the ancient circle, and pass on the old ways to each new generation. Thus it has been for a hundred thousand generations.

Gather you Witches in the night while the moon rides full.


This web site of the People of the Woods Church of the Old Religion has been on line since 1997.
In the year ending June 2019 this web site was visited by 100,867 people with a total of 3,956,126 hits. 154,868 pages were read. Statistics generated by Webalizer.

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If you have suggestions for useful additions, or have noticed errors or broken links, please use the contact mail-to link and let us know. Thank you for your suggestions.

All of this site is copyright by the People of the Woods Church of the Old Religion, and others. Please request permission to copy or use any text or graphics.

Disclaimer: This web site contains some graphics and code provided by others. Some of the graphics were from other web sites where they were advertised as being available for use by anyone for non-commercial purposes, however we can not verify the actual originator of each. If you are the artist who created any these graphics and you have not given your permission for their use, we do not intend to use any item of art without permission. Please notify us of any improper or unpermitted use, and the item will be discontinued immediately. May the Lady and Lord bless your day.

People of the Woods Church logo by Moonstar
Revised Samhain 2023